I think I can make a pretty safe guess that if you're reading this, this is how you feel right now.

I really, really don't like hot weather. I don't enjoy the summertime. And my least favourite thing about this time of year is how falling asleep, for me, is 100 times harder.
In recent years, podcasts have been my companions when I can’t sleep at night. I charge my phone before I go to bed, as opposed to during the night, and ensure that I have several episodes downloaded on Spotify. When I was a kid, I slept with a torch and a book under my pillow. Then I had about three extra blankets since the torchlight could be seen through my duvet and I was terrified that my parents would walk in and see me. I remember my dad catching me once when I was ten and he was furious. Not that my parents would be cross with me for reading at night now, however, I’ve found alternatives. I save reading for my train commutes now.
I love learning about people and their experiences, no matter who they are. David Tennant and Dax Shephard’s podcasts to me are brilliant; they provide such a personal insight into the lives of the stars they’re interviewing whilst simultaneously letting us in on their own secrets. Secrets that even Graham Norton can’t obtain if and when said podcast hosts appear on his show.
This week, I wanted to share some of the podcasts I listen to when I can’t sleep. Some of them are probably more suited for the daytime than others, nonetheless, they’re what I turn to when I can’t switch off.
Get Sleepy
Kudos to my colleague Ed for telling me about this one. I tend to listen to these ones when I’m especially tired and know that I’ll be in and out of sleep. As opposed to telling a story, Get Sleepy offers very picturesque descriptions of various settings. For instance, an episode I listened to recently was titled ‘Bedtime in the Antique Toy Store’ which I imagine explains the premise well enough.
There are so many settings to jump into and for someone who gets especially excited for the latter end of the year (pumpkin and Christmas season) I was enthralled when the likes of ‘The Pumpkin Patch’ and ‘A Sleepy Winter Train Ride’ were released. You can listen to Get Sleepy episodes here.
Listen to Sleep
This one is similar to Get Sleepy, however, Listen to Sleep episodes tell a story. And it’s probably the best storytelling podcast I’ve ever listened to. The narrator Erik’s voice is the best part; his tone has provided me with so much solace. He could probably tell the Brothers Grimm version of the tales and the beastliness of the stories would go over my head.
The first episode I listened to was The Happy Prince, a short story by Oscar Wilde. I did an Oscar Wilde module in my Covid-burdened final year of university and this was one of the best pieces I studied. Wilde’s short story is about a statue of a seemingly ‘Happy Prince’ that resides in a town of suffering. A swallow, who has been left behind by his flock, bonds with him, and the Prince asks the bird to take the likes of the sapphires in his eyes and give them to the poor. The underlining meaning? There are several, so many that I’ll write a blog post on it one day. In short, Wilde illustrates the importance of companionship in an unjust society; the swallow, initially in awe of the prince’s superficial beauty, decides to stay with him instead of joining his associates in Egypt. It’s a beautiful tale.
You can purchase full audiobooks too; if you click here, Erik has done full recordings of the likes of Peter Pan (one of my all time favourite stories), Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh.
Erik’s fatherly tone has got me through so many nights. You can listen to the podcast here.
David Tennant Does a Podcast With…
I got really invested in David Tennant and his work after watching Broadchurch for the first time. I rewatched it at the start of last year, or, the start of lockdown number 3. It’s strange how such a harrowing story can provide you with so much comfort; I think I share the same sentiment with settings in television shows as I do with novels. A small, closed-off beach town where every character knows each other? It’s the best escapism you could ask for.
I got really engrossed in his podcast shortly after my rewatch. I’ve probably listened to his episode with Olivia Colman more than 10 times; I love the pair of them together, and I have robbed Olivia stirring her drink with a pen for my own short stories. David’s guests are first and foremost his friends, you will not find an episode where his visitors aren’t having the time of their lives chatting to him. I would have the time of my life chatting to him.
You can listen to David’s podcast here.
Welcome to the O.C, Bitches!
Firstly…Ben McKenzie. I know you’re not reading this. HOWEVER, if someone who knows someone who knows Ben McKenzie then please tell him to get on the podcast. It would honestly make my 20’s.
As I’ve mentioned previously, The O.C is probably my favourite series of all time. I watched it for the first time when I was 18 and then got my parents into it - if my Dad enjoys a series I force upon him that’s when I know it’s good. Despite their polar opposite settings, I’d say the show is similar to Gilmore Girls in that it has sparkly dialogue and sinful, yet forgivable, characters. No matter what Julie Cooper does, you can’t hate the woman.
So imagine my delight when Rachel Bilson and Melinda Clarke began a podcast where they discuss the show! They’ve had pretty much every cast member on there apart from the main man himself…Ryan Atwood. Come on Ben, if Adam Brody can make an appearance so can you. The cast of Boy Meets World have started a similar podcast called Pod Meets World and funnily enough, another leading Ben doesn’t seem to be making an appearance anytime soon.
Listening to cast members of my all-time favourite show has been a saviour for me. Thank you, to whoever contrived this idea. You can listen to the podcast here.
If you’re reading this, I’m sending you love and light and luck for whatever your plans are for the week ahead. I’ll write a part 2 to this soon.
Lots of love, Karisma xx
